Rebecca Linam

Books, reviews, and short stories!

Yet Another Two OER Textbooks

It’s been a while since I posted an entry, so here’s the latest news. I finished editing the latest two OER textbooks for the University of North Alabama’s PressBooks imprint: GR 201 and GR 350. My students and I will find the latest mistakes in them as we go through them. Fortunately, I can change and update them immediately. Anyway, here’s a link. The covers are forthcoming.

Who would have ever thought my most popular work of literature would end up being textbooks? Not this girl! In any case, that’s kind of nice! I love German, and most of the textbooks out there don’t work for the way I teach, so it ends up better for me in the long run…and anyone else who wants to use them free in their classes. The GR 202 book is almost finished. Then I guess I’ll get onto finishing that Regency historical fiction that only has 5 chapters and got delayed last May.