Rebecca Linam

Books, reviews, and short stories!

Colleen Marie's "Teagan's Treasure"

I had the pleasure of talking with Colleen Marie about her debut New Adult novel, Teagan’s Treasure, which was just released by Vinspire Publishing. Set in Ireland, it follows a college student during a summer university program. Teagan ends up in the middle of a mystery with a side dish of romance. I present to you Teagan’s Treasure and its author!

Rebecca: What inspired the storyline of Teagan's Treasure?  Did you travel to Ireland to research the setting?

Colleen: The Emerald Isle University Series is a New Adult book series weaving the stories of three sisters and their adventures of self-discovery and love in Ireland. The idea for The Emerald Isle University Series began after experiencing Ireland for the first time. It is a land of dreams and treasures, and the Emerald Isle made a lasting impression on my heart. As the years went by, I found myself immersed in the field of life science and education while writing in those quiet moments. Then one day, I finally picked up the pencil and began outlining this trilogy. The series combines Irish culture and the beauty of the land with faith, friendship, family, mystery, and second chance love. I always hoped for a sister, so the idea of writing a series based on the connection between three sisters was a natural inclination. Each sister has her own unique story, but the bond of love and friendship between the three is unbreakable.

Rebecca: You give quite a few details on horses and equine therapy for kids in the novel.  Do you have firsthand experience with this, or did you research it for the novel? 

Colleen: Yes! I am an Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL). I have always had a great love for animals and a fascination with the human-animal bond. This connection led to many years of undergraduate and graduate work, earning a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Chemical Life Science. I spent over twenty years working in animal hospitals, animal-assisted therapy organizations, and equine-assisted therapy farms. During that time, it was on the farm that I felt the most at home. My connection with the horses made for a perfect fit as a horse leader in equine-assisted therapy and equine-facilitated learning sessions. I earned my ESMHL certification through PATH International. Then in 2018, I took the leap and founded Spirit of Love: Learning and Wellness LLC as a way to bring together my love for animals, teaching, science research, and helping others. My hope is to bring animal-assisted interventions to more people in need. In the program I strive to nurture the human-animal bond by creating a relaxed and fun environment to encourage therapeutic interventions, promote a scientific basis for education within the field, and enhance the quality of life for those most in need. Teagan and Finn’s program, Second Chances, was inspired by my work in equine-assisted therapy and the foundation my program, Spirit of Love. To learn more, visit my program website at

Rebecca: The main character of Teagan's Treasure has two sisters.  It sounds like they will each be featured in the series.  Any previews on what is coming up in the other two novels in the series?

Colleen: Oh, I love these O’Reilly sisters! Both Kayleigh and Ashling will have adventures and found love at Emerald Isle. This is an blurb about Kayleigh’s Knight, the second book of the series which releases July 29th, 2025!

Kayleigh O’Reilly has worked hard to have the perfect life. After graduating at the top of her class, her dream of be- coming a writer is within reach when she’s awarded a spot in the renowned Creative Writing Program at Emerald Isle University. Just as all her dreams are coming true, her world is turned upside down when her boyfriend breaks up with her the day she leaves for Ireland.

In the land of Saints and Scholars, Kayleigh begins her freshman year broken-hearted and in need of inspiration. Hope comes in the form of Seamus Murphy, the local fisherman and ruggedly handsome poet, and his offer to rent a small uninhibited cottage by the sea so she can focus on her writ- ing. Feeling free for the first time, Kayleigh begins to redis- cover herself and the dreams hidden deep in her heart.

Inspired by the enchanting town of Cloverdale, Kayleigh accepts a position at the local newspaper. The future is bright until she uncovers a deadly plot to revenge a decades old feud. Danger looms over the small town, and Kayleigh must decide who she can trust and if true love is worth the risk. As the storm threatens to destroy, will Kayleigh finally be able to find the words to write her own story?

Rebecca: I’ve definitely got the next one on my to-be-read list! Teagan’s Treasure also reminded me of Grace Livingston Hill's novels. She wrote contemporary fiction back in the early 1900s that always had an element of faith in them paired with a romance or mystery--modern day back then but vintagely historical now.  Your writing style sort of reminds me of a Catholic Grace Livingston Hill who incorporates faith into daily life. Have you ever read her novels?

Colleen: No, I have not read Grace Livingston’s novels, but they are now on my to-be-read list! I’m looking forward to reading them!

Rebecca: Did you have any writing rituals that helped get you into the right mindset for writing "Plain Expectations"?  Any playlists or other novels that helped to inspire the right tone?

Colleen: I don’t list to music or playlists while writing, but rather prefer to write in silence or sitting outside. I find so much inspirational being outside in nature, so it’s a favorite place to write. I especially love writing on our back deck under our large maple tree. It’s so peaceful and I love watching all of birds and bunnies in the field. That being said, I do love traditional Irish music! My daughter is an Irish dancer and I love ceilis. 

Rebecca: I also love traditional Irish music. I’m looking forward to your next novel in this series and will leave your website here for anyone who wants to keep up on the latest from you firsthand.

Twitter (X): @ColleenMarieWrt